MB Strategic Partners LLC



About Us

Have you ever had a great business idea, but the more you thought about it, the more anxious and overwhelmed you felt about making it a reality? My name is Michael Broodo and I own a business called MB Strategic Partners. We sit somewhere between coaching and consulting for start-ups and small businesses. We have a series of frameworks, processes, and support systems that enable people to turn their business ideas into effective products or services and enable current small business owners to increase their impact by 500-1000%.

At MB Strategic Partners, we know that starting a small business is as exciting as it is terrifying. Every successful small business has identified roadblocks throughout its development, and too many owners give up at the first sign of opposition.
When a business owner brings on a consultant or a coach, they invest in the future of their business. Our objective perspective and encouraging partners can be the key to overcoming obstacles and reigniting the fire necessary to reach a worthy goal.
We provide the best and most affordable partnership options because we are honored and excited to be a part of our client’s journey to achieving their wildest dreams.